You THINK you KNOW it all and you THINK have it all under control, but actually IT IS I that
controls ALL of the basic functions in your body that you cannot live without! As the chief
conductor, I send messages to many organs of your body to keep them on track. I am not only in charge of what happens in the brain (speaking, hearing, learning, writing, feeling,
memory, vision and color perception, taste, smell, pain perception, sleep, mood), but I need to be able to
work properly for your:
- heart rate and blood circulation
- breathing
- body temperature
- many hormone functions throughout your body
- sexual function
- nerve function
- muscle movement, including balance and coordination
- gastrointestinal tract, including when you feel hungry and when you feel satisfied with eating
I also am involved with your personality, thinking, planning and problem solving.
When I don’t get what I need, you are most certainly are going to have problems, so don’t forget
about me. Having good blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar control helps to make sure
that the arteries that give blood to the brain don’t get damaged. When they are damaged
(CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE AND STROKE), all of the functions listed above can be affected.
Once this damage starts, it often CANNOT be reversed!
Don’t ignore me. You take care of me and I’ll take care of you.
Your Brain